For team-mg
Team MG
Its composition includes designers with full and limited design legal capacity in the most frequently used specialties in structural planning and investment design. Develops projects in the field of urban planning - plans for regulation and construction and parcel plans for technical infrastructure facilities. The office has created numerous investment projects for residential, administrative, commercial, production, transport-communication, service and other objects.
Feasibility studies for terrain
Changing the purpose of the selected land
Development of investment projects
Finding and buying suitable properties
Evaluation of investment projects
Construction supervision during construction
Investor control during construction
Commissioning of construction
Warranty support

The company has a valid CERTIFICATE No. RK-0681/09.02.2017. of the Head of DNSK, Sofia, to the MRRB, issued on the basis of Art. 166 para. 2 of the ZUT, Art. 7 para. 1, Art. 11, para. 1, cf. Art. 8 of Ordinance No. RD-02-20- 25 of 03.12.2012 on the terms and conditions for issuing a certificate for entry in the register of consultants for assessing the compliance of investment projects and/or exercising construction supervision and Order No. RD-27-10/09.02.2017. of the Head of DNSK to the MRRB. To carry out this activity, the company consists of 28 legally competent technical persons, possessing a master's degree in various specialties and many years of professional experience. Geodetic activities - tracing and photographing buildings and facilities, pre-project studies regarding terrain and routes of future constructions, creation and expansion of reference geodetic networks and others, are carried out by a specialized unit of the company, equipped with the necessary modern technical means. The company has licensed (legally competent) specialists for making real estate appraisals, including agricultural lands and forests.
The company has executed numerous public orders under various European and national financing programs in the territory of the municipality of Svilengrad, Harmanli, Stara Zagora, Maglizh, Burgas, Pomorie, Maritsa and others, as well as private orders of some of the leading companies in Bulgaria and worldwide - Shell, OMV, Hesburger, McDonald's, Katarzyna, EVN and many others.

Adopted by Resolution No. 18 of February 2, 2015 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria;
"Green and accessible urban environment for the inhabitants of Stara Zagora" under the grant scheme: BG161PO001/1.4-09/2012 "Green and accessible urban environment", Priority axis 1: "Sustainable and integrated urban development", Operation 1.4 : "Improving the physical environment and risk prevention"
Project "Green and accessible urban environment for the inhabitants of Stara Zagora - stage II" under procedure BG16RFOP001-1.006 - Implementation of integrated plans for urban reconstruction and development 2014-2020 Stara Zagora, OP "Regions in growth" 2014-2020;
Project "Modernization and development of sustainable urban transport in the city of Stara Zagora - Phase II", which is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Fund for Regional Development .
"Beautiful Bulgaria" project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria

The main goal pursued in the company's work is the provision of a complex design and consulting service in all phases of the investment process - from preliminary design studies to the commissioning and authorization of the use of the constructions. To achieve this goal, we make efforts to unite and coordinate the knowledge, skills and experience of many specialists in one team that can handle the great variety and specificity of the different segments of this investment process. Our structure is open to young initiative professionals to bring innovation and a fresh spirit to our work. With our daily work, we strive to turn our customers into our friends, this is our understanding of success!